What separates an evolving artist from the rest of the crowd?
Many Artists would like to become recognized for their style. But how DO YOU create your very own individual look? Below are a Five Helpful Tips from Artist Gon’l who has been an Artist for over 50 Years. He started out inside the box, and landed way Outside Of The Box, when he discovered how to bring the paint to life in 1964.
Christ holding “The Dome” in his hands, Large Graphite by Gon’l
1. Real Self-Expression – Do not be afraid to tap into the way you actually feel inside.
Some Artist’s chose to create what sells and they never tap into what drives them as an Artist. If you want to stand out, make your viewers feel the way you feel and use your talent to let the painting come alive with feeling.
The Timeless Hugging Series Created by Gon’l
2. Overcoming Criticism – Doing it for yourself, is more important than doing it for any gallery.
When you paint for your audience and not for yourself, you are no longer connecting with your painting. The paintings or artwork must resonate with your own heart and soul. If you can not say, “that is me” then you have decided becoming a REAL artist is too personal for you. Stop asking “What If?” the critics don’t like my work?
A real artist does not let others influence his or her world
3. Identity – Let your true character show through your own unique imagery.
When you decide that being you, is more important than what your family or friends might say, or what strangers may think of you, you are getting closer to creating art that speaks in its own language. Create your own individual look, by using your imagination to combine various techniques.
Artwork straight from the Heart Of Gon’l
4. Lead With Passion – Show people you are dedicated by making your art your primary focus.
Set aside some time to really enjoy the process, and produce your very own one-of-a-find creation every week. Open the doors that you would not normally open, and see where they are leading you.
5. Inspire Others – Create your artwork from your heart.
Show the world you care about them, don’t be afraid to help others by sharing your own story. Help people to relate to your work by showing them how you feel.